Code of conduct


To confirm what is expected of everyone and to ensure that every individual feels safe, respected and valued.

This code of behaviour aims to:

  • Identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
  • Encourage co-operation, honesty, fairness and respect
  • Create and environment where self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence will grow and flourish
  • Encourage you to take responsibility for your behaviour
  • Encourage you to recognise and respect the rights of others
  • Help resolve conflicts and make it clear what will happen if you decide not to follow the code.

By attending classes, rehearsals or private lessons at HCVPA you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.  The Code of Conduct should be read in conjunction with HCVPA’s Anti-Bullying Policy and our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.


Every Student has the right to feel safe, secure and respected in a positive learning environment while at HCVPA.


  1. Comply with all HCVPA policies, processes and guidelines.


  1. Students, parents and visitors must treat others with kindness and respect and always be courteous to other students and staff.


  1. Everyone must behave and speak in a way that does not offend others e.g., using foul/abusive language, sexist/racist or homophobic behaviour or anti-social behaviour.


  1. We have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying. Any form of bullying will be treated seriously and may lead to exclusion from the academy.


  1. Students cannot be in a class unless they are enrolled at HCVPA and booked into that class or booked into a free taster session.


  1. You must dress appropriately for the activity you are taking part in.


  1. Students must be on time, arrive ready to work and attend all lessons (unless absence is explained or agreed). Students must endeavour to always try their best and attend classes with a positive attitude.


  1. You must always treat all academy property with respect and only enter areas of the building which are for students.


  1. By attending or bringing your child to class you are declaring them as fit and able to participate in the planned activity.


  1. Students must look after scripts and song sheets and ensure they are practising at home and bringing material to classes/rehearsals.


  1. Do not use a mobile phone or internet capable device in class, changing rooms or toilet areas – they must be switched off.


  1. Do not take any food, drinks, or snacks into class. Only bottles of water are allowed.


  1. Students must listen to instruction from all HCVPA staff and volunteers.


  1. Students must not distract/disrupt the education of others e.g., making lots of noise outside the classroom, talking whilst a teacher or fellow student is talking.


  1. You must dispose of litter responsibly by using bins and recycling points located around the academy.


  1. You must always behave in a professional manner and be a good example to younger students.


  1. Students must not wear tap shoes outside of studios for health and safety reasons.


  1. You must never enter the staff room, private offices, or use HCVPA computer stations, photocopier or telephones without permission from a member of staff.


  1. Students should never attend HCVPA under the influence of alcohol or drugs. To do so may result in permanent exclusion from the academy.


  1. Students and Parents must respect HCVPA and when using Social Media, consent must be obtained prior to using photographs or details of any students.


  1. Older children only with explicit written consent from person with parental responsibility may leave independently at break times.

Performances and Shows

  1. The performances are supported by licenced chaperones and parent volunteers, the parents and chaperones will not always know your child, therefore it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that any important information is shared with the lead chaperone prior to any performance. This can include any emotional support/encouragement etc to support them during the performance.


  1. All children will wear a base layer of clothing. All children will be signed in and signed out by a parent or responsible adult. Please inform the chaperone/volunteer for you child of the name of person collecting your child if it is not the parent/person signing them in.


  1. Parents will ensure all clothing is named.


  1. Parents will ensure they provide appropriate snacks and drinks, children will be encouraged to drink by the volunteers during the show but they will not always know if your child has done so. Please remind your child before the performances to drink plenty of water during the show.


  1. If your child has medication or requires an inhaler this information must be shared prior with Holly Clifford or Jayne Evans, who will then share this information with the chaperone/volunteer, any medication required must be provided by the child’s parent/guardian.


  1. Parents WhatsApp Group – communicate after performance time should you wish to cascade a serious message Chris Hooper is the designated Point of Contact during performances.

Backstage Etiquette

  1. No mobile phones to be used backstage or in the dressing rooms.


  1. Listen to instructions of stage crew and chaperones


  1. Line up quietly when ready to go on stage.


  1. Remember to be quiet, well behaved and respect each other at all times during rehearsals and the show.


  1. Only use your designated dressing room.


  1. Only drink water when in costumes.

External Events, Competitions etc

  1. All children must be signed in and out by their designated responsible adult unless prior agreement has been made with the principal Holly Clifford.


  1. All children should wear the appropriate HCVPA uniform not show t-shirts for all events, if you do not have uniform, please try to wear academy colours (aqua blue/purple).


  1. Once children are assigned into the academy care they are our responsibility. The child or their responsible adult must notify their designated chaperone if they need to go anywhere.